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Delivery Notifications

Notification about the status of the delivery of a product or service

Text Delivery Notifications are important for Ecommerce Brands

A variety of businesses send consumers text messages with real-time notifications on shipment status and delivery times. Are you utilizing delivery text notifications?

A 2021 survey by OptimoRoute found that 24.6% of online shoppers said they were extremely likely to return for additional shopping if a brand provides real-time order tracking.

According to ProShip, "80% of customers want to track their order status not only online, but also on their mobile devices. And of that 80%, 76% of them want SMS communication throughout the entire shipping process." On the contrary, 47 percent of shoppers won’t buy from the same online store if that store provides a poor tracking experience. So, if you want to keep your customers, you need to have a strong delivery notification strategy.

Why send text delivery notifications?

When you provide online shoppers with tracking information, they feel you are being transparent with them. Meeting delivery dates helps create a positive associaation with your company and encourage future purchases.

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